Calculate the amount of L-Carnitine in your diet - with the L-Carnitine calculator!

The L-Carnitine calculator provides the answer on questions such as:

  • How much L-Carnitine can be found in 200 grams of lamb or 100 grams of vegetables?
  • How much L-Carnitine have I received from my diet today?

Food list:

    The total L-Carnitine provided by
    all foods in this list is

    0 mg

    Delete results

    Your quick and easy way to calculate the L-Carnitine content:

    1. Choose your food of interest from the food groups.
    2. Click on the "+" button right next to the food to include it in your list.
    3. Type in the amount of your chosen food in grams (max 9999 g) and press "Enter" on your keyboard.
    4. Option: repeat this procedure to add (+) further foods to your list (max. 30) to get the total L-Carnitine content of a meal or your daily intake.
    5. Ready? All quantities added? Clearly arranged you will find the total amount of L-Carnitine provided via your food choices in the list.